Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Spoon Feeding

Our little man is getting so...hungry! He's not chunky whatsoever, his legs are still skinny little chicken bones. His cheeks are chubby, but that is a family trait among my nieces and nephews. But poor little guy is always starving. He is now drinking 6 oz bottles every 3 hours, give or take a 1/2 hour. He is also waking up in the middle of the night again and when he does I can hear his little tummy growling. So I gave in. I bought him some cereal and baby food. He'll be 4 months in 2 weeks so I figured, he's close enough! The first night we gave him cereal and we filmed it and took tons of pictures but when I put my card in to the computer to look at them they somehow all got deleted :( So these pictures are from night 2 of spoon feeding. This time he got squash and he actually seemed to enjoy it a lot better. And the best news of all...he slept straight through until 4:30 this morning!!!!!!
Yummy squash (not really, I tasted it).

I also had taken tons of cute pictures of Mister smiling and even one video with some giggles. But, you guessed it, they all got deleted too, I have no idea what I did! So this is all I could get out of him last night and since I was the one doing the entertaining and the picture taking it turned out a little scary...but still cute! Look at those cheekers!!!


Amy said...

I can't believe he is eating solids already!

Nielsen Family said...

Love that smile! I was so happy when Emma started eating food. I was so sick of being a milk factory!

Unknown said...

Seriously soo cute!!! He sounds alot like Hallie I had to add cereal to her bottles at three months cuz she was always hungry it to worked great. I love his smile. Have a good Christmas

Adventures in Petersonland said...

such a cute little guy! im happy to hear that feeding him solid's has helped him sleep better! and thats so sad that you can hear his poor little tummy growling!!! im sure he is loving that you guys have introduced baby food to him.
crazy that he is 4 months already! such a cute little man :)