Monday, October 19, 2009

Made it to Idaho!

We finally made it to Idaho, we are officially Idahoans again and it feels wonderful. We have actually been here for about a week now. Things have been really busy between seeing family, trying to help in harvest, Jacob's fishing obsession and everything else.

Chelsea came down with something last Thursday and she just kept getting worse and worse so I took her to the Dr.'s and it turns out it was the dreaded Swine Flu, yuck! So now we have all had it, except for Marriner. I'm hoping and praying he doesn't get it since he's still so little. I'm worried that if he does come down with it they will hospitalize him because he's too young to take any medicine. So everyone keep your fingers crossed that he will hold strong!

I was going to post some pictures but my mom's computer won't allow ANY pop-ups. I've tried to disable the pop-up blocker but it's too strict. I guess her computer is just ultra-secure! But I just wanted to let everyone know we made it, and we are happy.

1 comment:

Leah Stallings Fine Art Photography said...

I am so glad that you made it here! It was way fun to see you the other night and I hope that you are all on the mend and that Mister Mister does not catch it!