Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Busy Week!

I just wanted to start this post with a little update on Mr. Mister. He is doing a little better, yay! I think the soy formula we put him on is helping. He still cries sometimes, but only about once or twice a day now instead of after every bottle. I can feel my nerves starting to come back and I don't feel so frazzled anymore. Even when he's crying and keeping me up at night though, he is still the cutest little guy. He makes this one face that cracks me up. It's sort of a Zoolander-ish look complete with puckered lips. I have yet to capture it with the camera, but I'm trying. I am so thankful for him in our home and our life. Somedays I can't believe I have two healthy, beautiful children. I am so blessed!
Mr. in his baby Naartjie outfit, so adorable!!!
A smile that I caught while he was sleeping. We have yet to see a real, meaningful toothless smile. I can't wait!!!
Sleeping so cute.
This week was the BIG week. We packed up all our stuff on Monday and the movers came on Tuesday. I can't believe this week has finally arrived. For the past 5 years we have been waiting for Jake's enlistment to be done. The Air Force has been good for us though. I really believe that we have a stronger marriage then we would have had if we had just lived in Idaho by our family. Being apart and fending for ourselves has taught us independence. We seriously struggled with this decision when the time actually came. We had been wanting to get out of the Air Force ever since we got married but when it was time to make the final decision it was tough. It basically came down to what was most important to us and that was family. We have missed so much and we don't want to miss anything else. Another huge factor in our decision was that Jake hated going to work everyday. I didn't want him to have to hate getting up each and every day of his life. So we decided to separate. I hope it's the right move for us. Wish us luck!!!
Boxes, boxes, and more boxes. I didn't ever think we had very much stuff until we started packing it!
It was sad to leave our house, we really liked it.
It's sort of akward to have men in your house packing all your stuff. We just kind of sat there and watched and tried to stay out of the way.
This is what the baby did the whole time. My back was breaking by the end of Tuesday!
The semi they brought to load our stuff was HUGE!
And now we are settled in TLF (temporary living facility). It's so nice to be signed out of our house. That was a huge stress, and you can tell by the pimples all over my face! Chels calls it the "little house" even though it's bigger then our real house was. It's 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It's nice and we're enjoying hotel life!

1 comment:

Adventures in Petersonland said...

im so glad you guys are now in tlf and DONE with the packing! its so stressful deciding what to leave out/what you need while your stuff is enroute. and ya, its so weird just hanging out at your house while guys pack it up! i felt awful in germany just sitting there while these 4 guys sweated, hauled heavy things up and down our DANGEROUS stairs, and obviously weren't having the time of their lives...
and dang ann, you look awesome!!! i know its just a picture of you from the side (AND I DONT SEE ANY PIMPLES!), but you look fab!
im also happy to hear that little marriner is doing better on the soy formula! thats one of the most frustrating things as a mom when they are infants, figuring out why they are so upset! i hope he continues to get better and happy so you guys are able to sleep and enjoy this time. the best of luck to you guys on your move to idaho. i miss you!