Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Little D is getting so big. He nows babbles Mama over and over and over again. It's still a debate over if he really knows what it means or not. But I can tell you that he definitely knows it gets him attention. He also says it in the middle of the night when he wakes up. Then Jake tells me "He wants his Mama", nice cop out right!

Little D also just got his first tooth. He's been working on it for a couple weeks now and yesterday I noticed that it had finally broken through. He's been a pretty good little trooper. When he first got the bump he was fussy but he either got used to or it stopped bothering him because he's been a happy little camper lately.

1 comment:

Nielsen Family said...

Haha too cute! I should have used that on Marcus since Emma said dada long before mama.