Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cabin trip and other happenings.

We were finally able to attend my family's yearly get-away to the cabin! We have never been before since we've always been gone but this year we went and had lots of fun. The cabin we rented this year was in Ashton and it was so beautiful. It makes me remember why I always claim that winter in my favorite season. The cabin was soooo nice. Jake really, really liked it and vowed to someday own a house identical to it. Most of the weekend was spent sledding down the big hill in the backyard. It was really fun. We would all sled down and then someone would stay at the top to come down and give us all a ride back up with the snowmobile. That's the best kind of sledding!!!
The drive up to the cabin. So pretty!
The cabin with my dad out front.
One evening Jake got the laptop out meaning to teach my nephews Jake and Braxton this hunting game. He didn't know that all the kids would love it! They each took turns picking which animal to hunt and then shooting it.
The Sunday while we were there was Valentine's Day so my mom made this nice dinner and had the kids all be "servers" and take our orders and serve the food to us. It was really cute. They even made us invitations the night before and hid them under our pillows. Chels loved it, and then she feel asleep right before the dinner so she missed serving us, hehe.
The view of the Tetons out the front window. Is it any question why Jake loved this place?!?!
My dad holding D and Kaymn.
D and Kaymn playing. They are the closest in age, maybe they'll be good friends someday.
Jake just chillin'. Being out of the Air Force has been good to him :)
Playing Pictionary Man, that game is a lot harder then you would think!
I would have to hold the sled while the rider climbed in. Only once did I let the sled fall over the back and it was when my brother Doug was climbing in. He fell, but I got smushed!
Me and Chels watching the sledders. Chels did not love it like I thought she would. It scared her to be in the sled and she didn't like walking in the deep snow. She'll probably move back to CA when she's older!
My mom did a birthday dinner for me and my nephew Jake. So this is us singing Happy Birthday.
In baby D news. He is now almost sitting up. He only tips over if he gets excited about something and forgets what he's doing. He'll be 6 months on Sunday, crazy! We tried to switch him to regular milk based formula this last weekend since his pediatrician told us to try it around 6 months. So I mixed milk based formula with his normal soy based stuff. Huge mistake! He was so fussy and uncomfortable. It reminded me of when he was 6 weeks old all over agian. He kept squirming and arching his back and just crying and crying. I called his Dr. yesterday evening and told her what was going on and she told me to go back to soy based. So I will be going to the store today to buy that! Poor kid, I guess he hasn't grow out of his milk allergy yet.
Chels is having a blast being at Grandma Davies house everday with the daycare kids. Even on the days she doesn't have to go she asks if we can go to Grandma Davies' house. She can now write her whole name (not just Chels anymore). She is such a good kid. She can be really whiney lately though and I know it's because she is getting spoild rotten by Grandmas. We'll have to figure out how to mellow her out.
Jake is doing really well in school. He keeps stressing about all his tests but then he comes home with a 93% on it, makes me sick how smart he is. He finally got his hunting license last weekend so I have a feeling I will never see him on a Saturday again. But, it makes him happy so whatever!
I'm still working my two jobs. I like dressing up and being professional one day and then throwing my hair in a ponytail and having fun at Winger's the next. It's a nice variation. I'm having major issues with feeling guilty that I'm not with my kids all day everyday but I just keep reminding myself that this is what my family needs right now. I was feeling really run down and wiped out but I thought it was just because I'm working two jobs. Come to find out I'm still low on iron like I was when I was preggo so I started taking Prenatals and iron supplements again and I'm starting to feel a lot better, phew!
Well this turned into a novel! Can you tell D is napping, haha.


Mary Lynn Evans said...

Good post! I'm not sure I'll ever get a post done. I didn't take any pictures. Maybe I'll steal some of yours or just direct people to your blog. ;)

Amy said...

Looks like fun. We've had hardly any snow down here so everything is just brown...yuck.

Nielsen Family said...

I love novels! haha. What a fun vacation. I might love winter too if I had a cabin like that to visit. I'm so glad your family is doing so well. I can't wait to see how my family does outside the AF. Oh and I'm glad you like your banking job. I also loved to get dressed up...its a fun job!