We had a Dr.'s appointment today. The first one in over 6 weeks, it feels like it's been forever since I was there! But now the appointments are every 2 weeks so I'm sure I'll make it up. We actually spend the whole day in San Luis Obispo because I had a regular OB appointment in the morning, and then I had a follow up ultrasound after that, and then we went and toured one of the hospitals (Sierra Vista). It was nice, especially compared to the Krankenhaus! We just need to look at one more hospital before making our decision. All in all everything went good, and I took along my camera today!

This is a picture of the Diagnostic Center where I have my ultrasounds done. I didn't get a picture of it because the parking garage is under the building so to get far enough away to actually snap a pic I would've had to cross the intersection which I didn't feel like doing. The ultrasound went good though. It was a follow-up because during my big ultrasound at 20 weeks they found that I have placenta previa (where the placenta is too close, or over, the cervix). They remeasured today and I should be getting my results tomorrow on whether it's still too close to attempt a natural delivery. If it is still too close then I will have to have a c-section, yuck!

This is my Dr.'s office. It's actually a pretty cool building built on a hill so there are offices on an upper and lower level.

Chels' FAVORITE part about going to the Dr. is crossing the "bridge" to get to the door. Silly child. This is Jacob giving me the "stop taking pictures" look, hehe.

I thought I'd include some pictures from the ultrasound today even though baby was not being very cooperative. He was nestled low in my pelvis and the tech. had a really hard time getting a picture of his face. This pic is probably the best one we got though. If you look in the upper right you can see a perfect little picture of his lips and nose. Pretty crazy! The circly looking things below that are the curls in his umbilical cord and then you can see a leg in the lower left part.

A typical profile shot.

This is the best 3D image she could get, like I said he was being a stinker and was not being photogenic at all! All his measurements looked good. She typed them into the program on the computer and it estimated his weight at 4 lbs. 2 oz. right now. I was in shock when I heard that, I can't believe he's that big already! She couldn't get a look at his "parts" so we're hoping that he's still a HE, haha. I'm anxious to hear my results tomorrow, wish me luck!
Ah you get to pick your hospital? That would be nice. I will only have one choice but you are right that anything would be better than the Krankenhaus. Also c-sections are different for everyone and I had no problems with mine so if it comes to that don't let other people scare you. Anyways, good luck I hope he's okay.
That is funny that Chelsea loves the bridge since you don't like bridges. ;) He looks cute!
Ultrasounds are so fun! You're getting close!
I loved Sierra Vista! The staff was so nice and helpful and the food was good. John didn't like the chair in the room, so have Jake look at that at both hospitals. Having the NICU was nice, Caleb had to go there for like 20 minutes for some tests, and it was nice to know he was in good hands. Glad you guys are doing well! Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy!
Oh his lips look like Jacob's from that ultrasound picture! I know that sounds silly but I really think they do! Any way I can't wait to hear your results and Chels' hair looks cute short! I like it!
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